Mar 10, 2009

The Power Of The Media

We must be careful to protect our minds from the negative
forces from the media. We must not allow our minds to get
bombarded with news about the state of the economy.

If thoughts are things, (which they are) and our words have
power, Wouldn't it be wise to monitor the things we allow
before our eyes and ears?

I was at a healthcare facility today. From where I was sitting
I could hear a conversation between three of the nurses in
the office. One started out with negativity about the unsatisfactory
job the President is doing. Another chimed in arguing about how
members of her family are without jobs. That went on back and

Shortly a new conversation got started about the high cost of
grocery. It went on and on, one negative sentence after another.
I marveled at how they seem to love discussing the things can't
do anything about.

As I sat there, I began to think how wonderful their energy would
have been spent had they expounded on positive issues instead of
negative. The day surely would be more pleasant for them as well
as their patients, if they had propel positive energy.

I was so tempted to suggest they do a mental cleanse, but I didn't!
I was in a new city only or a short time and they really didn't seem
to be candidates with the personal development spirit. Information
overload is what I was getting from my visit there. That's exactly
what the media does to us if we let it.

My mind felt full and bombarded with poison after being there for
such a short period of time. That really drove the point home of the
importance of keeping our minds free from clutter and negative

Do you need a mental cleanse?



Yeo KeeHui said...

Get away from negative influences and your days will be brighter. I am sick of speaking and listening to the present economic downturn.

Anonymous said...

My day to day walk consists of the refusal to think about the reality I face and my total impotency to change it though a bit.
Blogging helps me to forget my disability and all consequences of my state - thus having nothing I can everything - I am spreading HELLO, sun shines to us all and for a free. So God warms the hearts of hus children.

Thank you for willingness to help other to protect their minds from the negative forces and for the teaching how to do that. My best wishes to you.