Jul 13, 2009

A MLM Success Story

"Success In 10 Steps' Was The Answer To My Prayers"
Judi & Earl Sheehan shares their story:

Earl and I were married in May 2006 and between us we are proud parents of four wonderful sons and two beautiful daughters. We are very grateful for the freedom that we have at this stage in our lives, that allows us to spend so much quality time together.

Earl is looking forward to retiring from the fire department in the next couple of years and joining me in my network marketing business.

I have spent thousands of dollars on training programs and leads over the years with absolutely no success. Now I am enjoying building a very successful business in Network Marketing easily and consistently without stress using the Mentoring for Free System.

I was first introduced to Network Marketing about 12 years ago while working as a hairstylist in my salon. I quickly fell in love with the concept of creating a lifestyle of freedom and helping others to do the same. I'd worked for myself, most of my adult life but owning your own business doesn't give you the freedom to do what you want, when you want, and with whom you want.

I was searching for answers online to help me to find out how to be successful in this industry, when I came across Michael Dlouhy's ebook "Success in 10 Steps". That book was truly an answer to prayer for me. I had worked very hard over the past 12 years trying to create that lifestyle of time freedom. I did everything my sponsors told me to do and more. I had personally sponsored well over a hundred people during my networking career but it never duplicated into a successful long term business and I certainly couldn't help anyone else find success when it wasn't working for me.

I knew that I needed a mentor who was already successful and a proven system that I could plug into and duplicate. That's exactly what I found with the Mentoring For Free System.

I have learned how to build my business exclusively online using the internet and telephone without friends and family or buying leads or making cold calls. Mentoring for Free has taught me the skills I needed to generate my own targeted leads online for free and how to teach others to do the same.

I am truly enjoying the personal growth that I am constantly experiencing myself and also watching the growth happening in others within my team who are using the MFF system. It is such an amazing feeling.

I know that I would still be floundering online today, if it wasn't for Michael and Mentoring for Free. I will always be grateful that I took the time to download and read "Success in 10 Steps", the wonderful ebook that changed my life!
Click Here For Your Free ebook!

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