Mar 26, 2010

The Go Giver, Bob Burg

Who is Bob Burg and what can he do for you?

Motivational speaker Bob Burg regularly addresses audiences ranging in size from 50 to 16,000 – sharing the platform with notables including today’s top thought leaders, broadcast personalities Olympic athletes and political leaders including cabinet secretaries and a former United States President.

For years he was best-known for his book “Endless Referrals: Network
Your Everyday Contacts Into Sales” which has thus far sold well over
175,000 copies and is still going strong.

His previous book (coauthored with John David Mann) is entitled,
The Go-Giver. A business parable that both touches hearts and builds
bigger bank accounts, it shot to number 6 on the Wall Street Journal
Business Bestsellers list just three weeks after its release. It’s also
Bob’s fourth book to top the 100,000 mark in sales.

His newest book, just recently released, is entitled, Go-Givers Sell
More. Also co-authored with John David Mann, this book takes
the Five Laws of The Go-Giver and applies them directly to the selling process.

Bob is an advocate, supporter and defender of the Free Enterprise
system, believing that the amount of money one makes is directly
proportional to how many people they serve. A lover of animals,
he is a past member of the Board of Directors for Safe Harbor,
which is the Humane Society of Jupiter, Florida.

You can hear Bob Burg free this Saturday by attending our Mentoring
For Free training at 9pm Est. Discover how his newest release,
Go-Givers Sell More can help you in your business. Email me for all
the details!

Caring for your success,

Rena Williams

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a great post. Thanks so much for sharing, like always.